
The Effects of Poverty on the Lifestyle of Female Students in the University of Buea.

Monday, December 5, 2022

The Effects of Poverty on the Lifestyle of Female Students in the University of Buea.

Department: Gender Studies

No of Pages: 67

Project Code: GS6

References: Yes

Cost: 5,000XAF Cameroonian

 : $15 for International students

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Chapter One


This chapter will examine the background of the study, the statement of the problem, the objectives of the study; general and specific objectives, the delimitation of the study, operational definition of terms and significance of the study.


1.1 Background of the Study

Poverty is a multidimensional problem with origins in both national and internal domains. Some view holds that, poverty is a pronounced deprivation in wellbeing and comprises many dimensions. It includes, low income and inability to acquire the basic goods and services necessary for survival with dignity.


It also compasses low levels of health and education, hunger and lack of shelter (World Bank, 2000). Other views hold that poverty is a denial of choices and opportunity, a violation of human dignity.


This means lack of basic capacity to participate effectively in the society and having enough to feed and cloth (United Nations 1996). Poverty therefore has many manifestations including lack of income and productive resources sufficient to ensure a sustainable livelihood (kabeer, 2000).

Conventionally, poverty is represented in two models. Absolute poverty and relative poverty. Absolute poverty in the Copenhagen declaration (1996) is described as a condition characterized by severe deprivation of basic human needs including food, safe drinking water, and sanitation facilities. Health shelter, education, and information.


It depends not only on income but on access to social services. Relative poverty on its part is described by Peter Townshen (1995) as the absence or inadequacy of those diets, amenities, standard services and activities which are common in society in terms of comparing two or more situations.



The financial requirement of Universities is very high. These ranges from house rents and equipment of rooms, light and water bills, clothing, feeding, hair styling, buying of handouts, doing of assignments, carrying out research and other social activities such as departmental parties, outings and participation in the students activities.


 Looking at the poverty situation in Cameroon and the high rate of unemployment in the country. It is likely that most parents are unable to fully meet up with all these requirements. The students are therefore forced to make an opportunity cost such as promiscuity, gambling, and stealing so as to meet up with their needs.

This therefore indicates that poverty exists among university students. Since poverty is said to influence the lifestyle of individuals (Young 2009).


It is likely for one to assume that poverty has influenced the life style of University students especially the female students since they constitute more than half of the population of the University of Buea and their needs far exceed those of male students poverty is more likely to influence the habits taste, moral standards, attitudes and interest for female students (young, 2009), (Malek, 2010).


1.2 Statement of the Problem

Since University students in Cameroon are not given allowances and nearly all of them do not have jobs that earn income, they are therefore dependent on their parents, guardians or sponsors.


Looking at the poverty situation in the country and the rising prices of goods and services in Molyko, one can assume that more students in Cameroon are poor or only a few can meet up with their needs University fees in Cameroon are very affordable so even the poor can afford to pay.


However, in a society where you have both children from wealthy and poor homes, the children from poor homes will possess few of the things everyone is supposed to have (Coleman and Cressey, 1987).


This is the situation therefore that one would expect to find in Molyko where the few students from wealthy homes will be living in affluence while the majority from poor homes will be able to have just their basic necessities.


On the contrary, most female students in the University of Buea live in affluence. This can be seen in their rooms which are often well equipped; they often crowd local restaurants on daily basis, in bars and night clubs on week ends.


They can even be spotted in expensive hair dressing saloons either doing their hair or manicure and pedicure and in expensive fashion and cosmetic shops. In addition to that, they still have money to meet up with their academic requirement.


University of Buea girls are noted for their exquitiative taste in fashion styles as new fashions are often recast in them. They often dress “to match” accompanied by expensive jewelry, deodorants, spray, perfumes. In fact, business people around Molyko claim the University of Buea students are very rich especially the girls.


1.3   Objectives of the Study

1.3.1 General Objectives

  • To examine the effects of poverty on the lifestyle of female students in the University of Buea.


1.3.2 Specific Objectives

  • To describe the demographic characteristics of female student in University of Buea.
  • To identify the effect of poverty on sexual relationship of female students in University of Buea.
  • To identify the effects of poverty on the dressing habits of female students in University of Buea.
  • To identify the effect of poverty on the cohabiting habits of female students in University of Buea.
  • To identify the effect of poverty on the academic performance of female students in University of Buea.

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